Appointments can be made

  • ONLINE  at (In person visits on Monday & Friday ) (Televisit on Tuesday & Wednesday). The staff  will check the email every 1-3 days and contact you regarding the  appointment within 1-5 business days (depending on the volume).
  • Phone: 604 873 6624 (9 AM -3 PM on Monday ,Tuesday ,Wednesday and Friday)
  • email (please use email booking only if you are not able to book over phone or online):
  • Please book in advance. However if it is an **URGENT issue, let the Receptionist know about it so that you she could book a “Fit -In” appointment usually on the  same day or at least the next day. During such “Fit In” appointments the urgent issue will be taken care of and if there are other less urgent problems, another appointment will be booked, so that the other patient after you would not have to wait for much longer time.
  • If you email, please write in the subject line 
  • 1) First  &  Last name (as in the PHN card)                                                                                                                                       
  • 2) Type of consult – Phone (or) visit                                                                                                                                             
  • 3) Reason for the appointment (preferably)  
  • **** You do not have to write anything in the body of the email                                                                                        
  • Example 1:   Spider Man   – Telephone    (sticky palms & feet)       
  • Example 2:  Charlie Brown – Visit      (Anxiety as I lost my dog Snoopy)
  • email: Please do not add any personal information unless it is urgent, important or requested by us (eg., a Form that needs to be filled out)
  • If the visit is about a Form to be filled out, please bring the Original or Printed form with you even if you have emailed it to us.